Mary has been an owner operator in Perth WA for the past 45+ years Mary designed and built her very first Kennel and Cattery with the help of her family way back in 1987 which customers enjoyed visiting and Dogs & Cats loved to stay. Since selling her previous business Mary has devoted most of her time to Cat only care at Northern Districts Cattery. Her dedication and obvious love for cats has enabled her to establish a cattery to the highest possible standards. As the business has grown her husband
Matthew has helped Mary with the full time running of the business which has helped Mary turn NDC into the Cats Choice for luxury & care. They have both found an outlet to offer something really special for you & your Cat. With Matt’s film & television education and experience working in the industry he enjoys sending customers Facebook Video & Photo updates and enjoys the creative outlet this provides. He also love’s Cat’s and really enjoys building and improving the cattery and puts a lot of thought into what Cats like. With Mary’s many years of experience behind her you will not find a more experienced person keeping a very close eye on your Cats health & well-being in support of her experienced staff. Both Mary & Matt are two very committed people who have the same common goal to offer the highest level of care for your Cat while maintaining a high level of professionalism with good old fashioned customer service. Mary & Matt are constantly finding new ways to improve the ND Cattery and customers enjoy coming through to see the improvements. Matt & Mary like nothing more than introducing their 11 NDC Cat’s MeMe, Clyde, Shilo, Merlin, Bonnie, Shakira, Toby, Teddy, Betty, Boop, Tatiana and off course all the contented guest’s! Open for Inspections 6 days a week Mon – Sat after 10.30am that way all the cleaning has been completed and poses less risk to you…
Offering superior facilities to ensure that your beloved cat is comfortable and enjoying all the creature comforts, just like home. The feedback from visitors coming to our facility for the very first time is overwhelmingly positive. Maybe this is because our premises are meticulously clean and comfortable. I can’t even smell cats in here is a sentence we hear uttered with surprise on many occasions. Well, we are proud of the high hygiene standards that we maintain and we take it as a great compliment that people “cannot smell cats”. Our cleaning schedules are strictly adhered to ensuring that standards are always maintained. We want even the most fussy cat owner to be struck by our high standards. We call our “pens” by the name “suites” because it conjures up pictures of a hotel and as far as your pet is concerned staying at Northern Districts Cattery is akin to going on holiday to a 5 star hotel. When a pet first arrives at a cattery it is probably a little disorientated. How reassuring then for your beloved pet to encounter so many of the comforts and familiar sights of home. Our cat suites have, in close proximity, 4 television sets and 3 fish tanks. The cattery is fully air-conditioned during summer and we have a combustion heater running 24/7 in winter. We also have beautiful nature sounds that are piped through the entire building all day long….